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God is Changing the RULES

Hello Friends! Be encouraged people of God! “Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new...

Financial Testimony Part 1 (2019)

Below is a post I shared with our Church in Oregon, before we moved to Texas. I have wanted to share on this topic again, but first...

The 23rd

Foreword I wrote the following post about Asher’s birth just prior to the United States' contact with and subsequent quarantine...

A Divine Appointment, Perhaps.

Hello Friends! Today I hopped in my car without a single child in tow, drove a few short miles down the road to do something new and...


This message has been stirring in my heart for much longer than I ever realized. I knew there was something pulling, nudgining, causing...

Houston, We Have A Mission...

We are moving to Houston!

The Tip Jar

My beautiful blogging friend, Destiny, is both poetic and perfectly prophetic in her use of “coffee terms” for each of her blog posts at...

Resurrected Marriage

Today I really want to talk a bit about marriage. If you’ve read any of my blogs, you may now know that my marriage has faced some...

Miracle in the Making

I had a MUCH different post in mind just a week or so ago. But today, I have something entirely, 180 degrees different to share. 2 weeks...


Bonjour! Today, I bring you a lighthearted post! I have a desire to write about stuff that I think a lot of people don’t care much to...


I’ve had this nagging urge for a couple months, and I keep pushing it back down, pushing it back down, pushing it back down… But today, I...


I am going to try and make this a short, concise post, because I want to write it and post is right now! But we shall see how that goes…...


The Art and Spirituality of Being At Home Full disclosure, I saw the title of Joanna Gaines new book that releases soon, Homebody, and I...

Pride and Comparison

Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else...

Let Go, and Let God.

“The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still.” (Exodus 14:14) Do you know my absolute most favorite day to read every single...

Tummy Talk

My postpartum journey after having 5 kids in 6 years I’ve gone back and forth, back and forth between sharing about my postpartum/weight...

Big Family, Small House

I just spent the last 2 hours cleaning my main living area. The same room where I now sit, at my 6 person dining table to type on my...

Olivia's Pain Free Birth- Part 2

Birthing in The Supernatural vs. in The Natural This is Olivia Quinn, born at home on March 31, 2018 at 40 weeks 5 days. She is my 5th...

Olivia's Supernatural Birth Story Part 1

"Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table." (Psalm 128:3) This...


A Mother's Day Message Happy Mother's Day Friends! I don't care if you're a Mama or not. If you are a wife, sister, daughter, mother, or...

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