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Writer's picturevanwinklelexie

The Tip Jar

Updated: Aug 6, 2019

My beautiful blogging friend, Destiny, is both poetic and perfectly prophetic in her use of “coffee terms” for each of her blog posts at When she asked me to write a guest post, I instantly knew what I wanted to write, but coming up with a coffee title both cute and profound was harder to come by. Bear with me as I tie this all together in my post, The Tip Jar.

The Tip Jar

Recently I heard this quote, and I am sure that I have heard it before, yet it has never stood out to me quite like it did this time:

“Do for one that which you wish you could do for a thousand.”

Do for ONE person what you wish you could do for ONE THOUSAND people.

And I really pondered this thought for a while. What do I wish I could do for a thousand people? What have I done for one person? Where and what have I invested in others? What would I like to invest in others? It is such a loaded statement with so many implications. I would love for you to tag along and consider these questions with me!

I can imagine myself pulling up to the local coffee shop drive-thru (I have 5 kids, so going inside is not an option) and upon paying for my favorite drink, being asked if I would like to “add a tip”. Everyone’s take on this may be different, but I consider a coffee tip to be very much “optional”. Even so, every time, I have a little teeny tiny inner conflict; a conflict that genuinely wants to give a generous tip but also questions the decision with hesitation and a smidgen of selfishness.

In these moments I ask myself, “What do I wish I could do for these sweet baristas if I had endless resources?” Also keeping at the forefront of my mind, “do for one that which you wish you could do for a thousand.”

I love to pair this quote with one of my favorite statements in scripture. This is the final verse in all of the 4 Gospels, and it speaks to the ministry, and the many miracles of Jesus during his short life. John 21:25 says,

And there are also many other things which Jesus did, which if they were recorded one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. (John 21:25)

Jesus was able to do for multitudes, what some could only dream of doing for one. And He is still working today. He is still blessing, healing, restoring, redeeming and resurrecting! His works are endless, from the beginning to the end of time. I DO believe there would be far too many books of detailed accounts of the goodness of God for the whole world to contain them. Not even the world wide web or “the cloud” could contain these stories, and this thought brings me to my knees.

I am so indebted to Him. If I could sit and write a detailed account of all that God has done in my life, I am sure I would be writing all day, everyday, until the day I die. Which leaves me once again feeling at a loss of how to even begin doing just a sliver for Christ what He has done and continues to do for me.

I recently read something that gave such beautiful imagery, that so perfectly captures this desire on my heart to somehow repay* Christ for my salvation, and it comes from an understanding of the “Crown of Life”.

*please excuse my lousy attempt/use of a word that so inadequately describes this desire.

Blessed [happy, spiritually prosperous, favored by God] is the man who is steadfast under trial and perseveres when tempted; for when he has passed the test and been approved, he will receive the [victor’s] crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. (James 1:12)

The Crown of Life is something we can all hope to obtain. To be crowned as one of those who so closely obeyed, knew, walked with and loved (with the greatest Agape love) Christ is an inconceivable reality of His Kingdom! Oh the overwhelming, neverending, reckless love of God… (but I digress).

And here is the beautiful imagery that I recently read from Lysa Terkhurst, in her newest book, “It’s Not Supposed To Be This Way”. She writes:

“I did a little research on the Crown of Life. This crown will be given to those called into special service to the King because of their dedication to Him. Their hearts may have been broken during their earthly lives but their spirits never were. They trusted Jesus and loved Jesus and cared for people all the way through. But instead of wallowing in pity, they just kept letting Jesus turn their dust into pottery- beautiful and strong and useful for noble purposes.
And then, in keeping with their hearts being completely in love with Jesus, the minute they enter eternity and receive their crowns, many Bible scholars believe they will immediately lay them at the feet of Jesus, so thankful to have a gift to give the king.
Such a joy! Even after giving up all their actual crowns, these people will continue to carry this honor bestowed upon them. They will be designated as those Jesus recognizes as his closest friends.
I could cry thinking about it.”

And I could too. Actually, I am crying thinking about it, because God has already turned my ashes into a crown for His Glory. I can only hope for the day that I might receive a Crown of Life, only so that I can finally have a gift that is worthy to give the Giver of it all! He has been THAT GOOD to me!

Now can I be real for a minute? While some days I see so clearly the hand of God on my life, there are still many days where it’s not so crystal clear. Days where selfishness overrides my desire to be like Christ. Days where I wish I were recognized or simply understood. Days when I feel depleted. Days where all I want, is to think about myself and do something for me. But in order to become more and more like Him, I need to combat these feelings with ACTIONS that line up with those of someone who might one day be given a Crown of Life that can then be laid at the feet of Jesus.

And the truth of it all, is this - Even when I feel as though I am lacking, there is no resource that God the Father is not readily able to give to me. Many times in my life He has given me time, money, encouragement and rest when needed. He is generous beyond compare. He never backs away from blessing me. He is a good Father. It is His joy to give to His children. And these resources that the Father generously gives are meant to flow outward onto others! Thus, the more I pour out, the more he continues to pour in! John 7:37-39 tells us all about this.

“On the last day, the climax of the festival, Jesus stood and shouted to the crowds, “Anyone who is thirsty may come to me! Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.’” (When he said “living water,” he was speaking of the Spirit, who would be given to everyone believing in him. But the Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus had not yet entered into his glory.)"

Jesus is the Spring of Life. We receive His life giving water and it quenches us of all of our thirst. But it is not meant to end there. We are not only meant to consume this life giving water. We are called to become a river. This is through receiving and being filled with the Holy Spirit. Afterwhich, rivers of living water can pour out of our hearts onto others!

As the Spirit leads me I am overcome with joy to be a river, and a generous giver. Gifts of encouragement, time, resources, a hot meal, an invitation inside one’s home, are all ways the river flows out of our hearts. So, when prompted with those “optional” tips, our spirits are enlivened to generously add to the Tip Jar.

If you have read this far, YAY! You are in for a treat!

The end of summer is nearing and as a new “school year” approaches it can be hard to combat all of the needs and things that keep me very inwardly focused on my kids, my family, and even myself. So I have to be extra diligent. There are so many excuses I can make to justify focusing on my own wants and needs; but when I get consumed by my thoughts of consuming, it is then that God usually asks me to do something drastic. With His constant prompting of me this week, “Lexie, what can you do for ONE that you wish you could do for ONE THOUSAND?” “Lexie, I know the pressure of Keeping Up and doing for yourself, but what gift can you give to ONE, despite yourself?”

Yes! Of course Yes! How could I deny giving when You have so graciously given to me!?

I just received a payment for some side hustle, design work and very clearly God prompted me. “Give it away!”

I have tossed the ball to my faithful blogging friend, Destiny, to do a $300 cash prize giveaway. Follow the instructions on my guest post on her website to enter the giveaway. We can’t wait to bless one of you!

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