I had a MUCH different post in mind just a week or so ago. But today, I have something entirely, 180 degrees different to share.
2 weeks ago, things were looking pretty good. There was hope. Advent was here and promise was everywhere. Then came the first blow. Not too big, but big enough to cause us to step back, take a look at the road we are on and reassess. Yep, we are still headed in the right direction, we have big faith, so we determined and soldiered on. Then came blow 2, another setback, making setback number 1 even more of an inconvenience. This all seems like just too much of a coincidence, we thought, as if there is no way this is all just happenstance. But if you know anything, then you know, when it rains, it often pours. And, things often comes at you in threes. Alas, blow 3 showed up right on time. Yet this one is set to take us under and move us off the road we had set out on- a road of total belief in God’s goodness, His provision, His divine plan for our lives. Blow 3 has us asking, Are we totally delusional? Can we trust our own decisions anymore? Are we on the right path? Has God ordained these steps?
If anyone else out there is facing mounting trails, let me sincerely say, Met too! I get it! It is hard to maintain unshakable faith. I know that while you are searching for answers, so often more and more questions are presented instead.
I so wish I didn’t have to speak so metaphorically and vaguely about the happenings of the last couple of weeks. Or maybe being vague is exactly what is needed for you to be able to relate. But, I wanted to write simply so that in sharing our trails while we are in the midst of them, we are able to more fully magnify the GREAT WORK that God is about to complete. Yes, we are still believing that in the mess we currently find ourselves in, God is still in the center of it all, working it out for the good. Because I believe that oftentimes, in seeking fully the promises given to us in the Word of God, we will find ourselves facing giants in need of slaying. Call it a test, call it temptation to go our own way and forge our own path- one that looks easier, safer and more comfortable. Maybe it’s one of those “put your money where your mouth is” type of situations. Sure Lexie and Tyson talk the talk, but can they really walk the walk? My flesh is screaming, “NO! Let me out! Give me the short cut, the path of least resistance!” But my spirit is joyfully shouting, “Bring on the rain!”
The irony is not lost on me.
The irony is that the very specific promise we just started to seek and pursue is the exact promise that we find ourselves being tested in. Honestly, it’s probably not irony at all. Maybe this is how God works. Maybe this is how he likes to reveal his greatest miracles. We have a vision. We have a prayer that we are asking and believing for. And you guys, it’s a long shot, a miracle, “only God could do it” type of prayer. But I recently read the saying, “A man without vision is a man without a future. And a man without a future will always return to his past.” Oh how true this rings. The bible tells us that indeed, we do have a future. And that future is wrapped up in a manger. Let us not forget the hope for the future this Advent season!
So, Without giving you any specifics, would you join me in believing for our, “Only God” miracle, and vision for our future? I would love all of the faith filled prayers (and little prodding into specifics. And goodness, please don't go asking Tyson any questions as I am sure my writing an entire blog post about this will drive his private nature crazy. HAHAHA.). In return I will join you all in believing for your miracle making prayers too!
I promise I will fill you in on all the tiny little “only God” details once we have the fulfillment of the promise.
Lastly, I always am baffled by how my lengthy rambling can always be so easily summed up in one little verse from scripture:
“These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.” (1 Peter 1:7).
*edit- because I already have friends and family asking if everything is okay... Goodness, YES! hahaha. I am not trying to be overly dramatic. We aren't talking life and death issues. But hopefully these sentiments can ring true to everyone whether your obstacles seem like mountains or mole hills. Love you all for your concern, joy, prayers and anticipation! Oh and, I am NOT pregnant. hahahaha!